Thursday, May 20, 2010

I spent $$ for THIS?

Top 10 Worst Movies I've Ever Seen

1. Van Helsing--two words: Kate Beckinsale sucks (ok, three words)

2. Hannibal--just gross.

3. Top Gun--first movie I ever fell asleep at.

4. Jaws: The Revenge--better subtitle: The Refund

5. Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom--two words: Kate Capshaw

6. Pearl Harbor--Pro: Mako's in it Con: Kate Beckinsale doesn't get kamikaze'd

7. Transformers 2--a robot humps Megan Fox's leg. WTF?

8. Stayin' Alive--Frank Stallone sings! Jesus tap dancing Christ...

9. 2012--why couldn't the world have ended before this
movie did?

10. Pink Panther 2--Bambi got more laughs than this

In my defense, I did not actually pay to see Pink Panther 2--it was playing on the bus I took to Boston (both freakin' ways).

Friday, May 14, 2010

Calamari Wrestler

This highly-anticipated, highly-recommended Netflix movie arrived last week. Finally got a chance to see it Wednesday night as part of my post-finals celebration (which also involved a REALLY amazing bottle of Riesling from Germany, courtesy of Hiroya-san).

It's exactly what the title would have you believe. A freakin' giant squid wrestler. But it's done with such clear affection and a seriousness that belies it's kee-razy premise. And the "Making Of" special feature--pretty funny.

I give it "Two Tentacles Up"!

School Shmool

So, after agonizing for weeks over whether or not to take physics this summer (that just SOUNDS wrong), I have decided that my health--nay--my very SANITY, hinges on my taking the summer off. So take it off, I shall. The summer, that is.