Sunday, July 11, 2010


July 2010 marked the 50th anniversary of the publication of To Kill a Mockingbird. I first read it in sixth grade, either in English class or on my own, I don't remember which (it was a few years ago, after all). What I do remember is the feeling of finding something that I didn't even know was missing.

People have asked me over the years why I love this book so much, and I've never been able to form a coherent answer. I suppose I could muster up some formulaic response--something about its themes of racial and social injustice, gender inequality, loss of innocence, and the definition of courage--all perfectly acceptable reasons to have read the same book every year for thirty years.

But I think I prefer not to over-analyze it. Besides, most people who really know me could probably figure it out...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's Aang! Like BANG, not BONG!

Ok, outside of the inexplicable mispronunciation of several major characters' names, The Last Airbender was not nearly as horrifically bad as the critics (nearly all of them) would have you believe. I'm not exactly sure from whence all this vitriol comes. It's certainly not the worst movie ever to disgrace the big screen (shoots side-eye at Van Helsing). I'm not really buying the whole "they didn't cast Asians" whine-o-rama. The Fire Nation seemed predominantly Indian--um, otherwise known as Asian--and the entire Earth Nation seemed to be East Asian. As far as Aang, I don't know the actor's ancestry, but the kid looks and sounds like Aang to me. And as for Katara and Sokka, in the cartoon, they have blue eyes. I don't know many blue-eyed Asians. The cartoon relies heavily on Asian influences and aesthetics (ie: Chinese calligraphy, martial arts, Kiyoshi warriors, etc), but it's a freakin' cartoon, people, and an American one, at that! Get over it!

ANYway, the biggest problems I had with the movie (besides the mispronunciation of names) were the less-than-creative dialogue, which translated into slightly wooden performances, and the feeling that it was very, I dunno, rushed, I guess. It seemed like Shamalamadingdong was trying to just get it over with before the studio shut him down or something. If I hadn't already been familiar with the story, I could see myself being a little confused.

On the up side:

1. Appa! (yip yip)
2. F/X were decent
3. Uncle Iroh--not much like his cartoon counterpart, but better, methinks